About Me

Cambridge, Waikato, New Zealand
Otago man living in the Waikato.

Friday, 6 June 2008

New Zealand's Hilarious Moronical Political Circus

Election year silly season is under way!

One of our esteemed politicians, moonlighting as a fill-in radio station broadcaster, has told the station listeners that he did not want morons voting for his party.

Responding to a listener, who sent him an e-mail saying Mr Politician was a lost cause and he would soon be out of politics, Mr Politician said there were a lot of morons in New Zealand and they could vote for any party they liked, but he did not want them to vote for his party!

In yet another colourful blight on our much maligned political landscape, Mr Politician N0.2 recently told an emailer who was concerned about the extremely high number of people emmigrating to Australia to "Please join them".

Maybe us morons could vote for this guy instead ... maybe not ... hahaha!

For the purpose of maintaining the apolitical nature of this blog, I've refrained from mentioning the actual names of the politicians, their parties and the radio station concerned.

Below is a voting form with more realistic candidates.

At least neither of these candidates will label us morons.




CANDIDATE 1: Gollum! (Standing for the Smeagol's Sneaking Hobbit Party)


CANDIDATE 2: Bean! (Standing for the Bean Adder Serious Party)