Here are some dentist quotes estimated to the best of my recollecting abilities:

When I was 15, the dentist said: "You' ll need you wisdom teeth out by the time you're 25 or 26."
I asked: "Will it hurt? and will it cost much?" Dentist replied: "Not really, as I will sedate and and anaethetise you. It should cost a few hundred dollars."
When I was 26, the dentist said: "Nah, you won't need your wisdom teeth out. Everything is fine."
When I was 32, I said: "My wisdom teeth have been causing severe pain across my face and giving me bad headaches." Dentist responded with: "We'll book you in for June 6th and have a look." [June was nearly 2 months away and he had no room for emergency bookings.]
My phone call to a new dentist: "I am in severe pain ... ... ... " New dentist replied: "Pop in at 4 o'clock, today."
New dentist shook his head and said: "My, my ... you should have had those out when you were a teenager." [ A month, a few x-rays and 2 visits to an orthodontist later, a specialist surgeon knocked me out completely and removed those darn suckers for a hefty amount ... but he did a great job and I was elated to have more room at the back of my mouth, once the swelling subsided.]
Quotes by the mechanic
Mechanic said: " You car is due for a new cam belt."
I replied: "Hang on a minute, didn't you replace the belt six months ago?"
Mechanic responded with: "Oops ... ... ... ! "
Mechanic on another day said: "Your car is fine, but ... ... ... " [and that was a very expensive 'but' - which rendered his first four words utterly pointless.]
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